Saturday, May 2, 2009

8. La Catedral

La Catedral is the name of a famous prison atop a mountain overlooking the Colombian city of Medellin. In April of 1991 Pablo Escobar and several members of the Medellin cartel surrendered to Colombian officials. They made a deal with the government to agree to go to prison pending they be allowed to be located in the luxury prison ranch know as La Catedral. This is just one of many example indicating the power and influence the Colombian drug cartels such as the Medellin cartel family had over the Colombian government. In July of 1992 Pablo Escobar and others escaped from their luxurious prison in which they were being held captive. Several months after his famous escape and lengthly manhunt, Escobar was gunned down by Colombian military officials and members of the Cali cartel family.  La Catedral was often referred to as hotel Escobar due to all the amenities the prison featured.

Picture: La Catedral prison

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